The Anomaly

The first member of Nightmare's Pantheon. Killer is a monster of many titles, most signifying his orbit around his boss in some way — and true to form, aside from the boss himself, Killer is widely considered the most dangerous member of the terrorist group. Ironically, though, this is less for his raw power or cunning — though he's not lacking in either — and more for his enthusiasm. Killer's genuine love for his boss and his job are some of the only real motivators he has; add to that his unique ability to turn back the clock whenever he dies and a masochistic temperament begging to use it, and you have a recipe for disaster for any AU Nightmare sics him on. In a terrible twist of irony, however, he's long been the most charismatic on the team as well, and the only one able — even if never willing — to solve anything with kid gloves.His role is precision. During "normal" raids, one of the first steps Nightmare usually needs done is to assassinate the world's Catalyst, not just to leave monsterkind in grief, but to overwrite their SAVE so the rest of the operation runs smoothly. Beyond that, he's adept at various support roles.


FULL NAMEقاتل (lat.: qātl, eng.: Killer)
TOTAL AGE46 years (May 10th)
HEIGHT130 cm (~4'3")
GENDER/SEXmale (⚥) (he/it/whatever)
SPECIES/TYPEskeleton monster
ALIGNMENTchaotic neutral
ORIENTATIONdemisexual omniromantic

origin point

Killer is from TAU-SN 1452345112, a world whose Underground developed in the eastern Arab states. The first half of Killer's life was spent in relative normalcy, with his involvement as one of the primary mechanical engineers working on his universe's CORE earning himself and his little brother — with whom he had a loving but somewhat strained relationship due to Killer's open discontent with their life Underground — an early retirement. Killer primarily spent this time working odd jobs or "entertaining" (read: pranking) his various neighbors, establishing himself as a relative staple of Snowdin's community, even if the exasperation following his presence was generally high. However, once his universe's Catalyst fell into the Underground, it immediately began a repeated series of genocide runs... and due to a small antecedent irregularity in Killer's code, his rate of memory retention between these runs was unusually high. Among all his alternates, Killer had arguably the worst chance at figuring out what was causing his false memories without help... but unluckily for him, The Catalyst itself, noticing his steadily-declining mental state over multiple RESETS, became fascinated by him and began trying to convince him to join it and assist in their attempts at a "perfect" run — in the process, citing Killer's need for "something new". He resisted for a surprisingly long time... but on their 177th run, the Catalyst finally grew bored enough to edit his code and force him to agree to their deal, heedless of what percentage of him was stripped away in the process.In the months following, Killer — still somewhat cognizant, but largely stripped of ego — would commit his own series of genocide runs, accompanied only by the Catalyst. The Catalyst would go on to edit his code several more times to allow him to complete his role with more efficiency, eventually culminating in the total removal of his SOUL from his body, which is what allowed him to begin generating and using DT the same way a human magus would without his body melting from the strain. However, this is also what led to the Catalyst's demise, because in becoming more like the Catalyst, Killer inevitably began learning code himself — eventually to such a point that he was able to kill them and overwrite the SAVE POINT they had initially generated, effectively erasing them from the timeline altogether.And this, far before he was even entertaining the idea of the Pantheon, is where Nightmare found him some 10-odd years ago. However, after feeding from his negativity, Nightmare was unpleasantly surprised to find that Killer had not only managed to follow him home, but was willing to kill himself to avoid returning to a world he no longer recognized. Worse yet, even Nightmare's best attempts at "discouragement" had little effect, with Killer's unique and unfamiliar SOUL condition rendering him — at the time, at least — more or less unable to feel emotions, even if they were agony....but in the end, who would Nightmare be, really, to deny the usefulness of a loyal murderer who could manipulate time?

main ability: determination

While Killer has more DETERMINATION than a universe's Catalyst — if the universe has a Catalyst at all — he can generate his own SAVE POINTS; anchors in the AU's timeline that can be returned to upon death. So long as he has enough DT, these anchors can be returned to indefinitely, and new ones can freely be created in sequence. However, unlike the rare magi who sport DT-based abilities, Killer notably lacks the ability to LOAD manually, and thus can only return to his SAVE POINTS via death. Furthermore, each death via injury to his body will slowly leave a physical scar over repeated loops, meaning that only LOADING via destruction of his SOUL lacks permanent physical consequence — and yet, each subsequent LOAD via this method instead lowers the stability of his SOUL, increasing the risk of slipping STAGES.Killer's SOUL STAGES are perhaps the most notorious scar this ability has left him, numbering 1-4, with stage 2 — denoted by his SOUL taking on a tight target-esque shape — being the most common. Each consecutive stage represents a very literal amount of disassociation between body and SOUL... with both lower and higher stages marking danger to himself and those around him.



  • First language is Arabic; also fluent in English, ASL and Spanish. (He keeps quiet about the last one for the lols)

  • Prefers to wear black since it's easier to wash blood (and burnt DT) out of, but his favorite color is actually orange

  • Will respond to any pronouns and may dress non-conformingly, but refuses to elaborate if he's being genuine or doing a bit

  • As a general rule, Stage 1 is the most dangerous to himself, and Stages 3-4 are most dangerous to others. Stage 2, at least for now, is the closest thing he has to "stability"

  • Absolutely hates anything that reminds him too strongly of his pre-outcode life — but surprisingly, that doesn't include things like hamburgers or ketchup. The fast food where he grew up was a lot different than his alternates'

  • Carves wooden figurines as a hobby, but doesn't care much to keep them — if he gives you a pre-made one, it dosn't mean anything special. (A custom one, on the other hand, might.)

  • Falls in love pretty easily, but rarely to such an extent that it sticks around. His feelings toward Nightmare — and apparently to some of his teammates(?) — are a special case.

  • Wouldn't tell anyone this, but traded his love of stars for a love of the ocean. Sometimes bribes Cross with food into taking him to an oceanfront and leaving him there for hours

  • Has 3 cats — Innie, Minnie, and Carl

  • Dissociates a lot, even in Stage 2 — has a habit of grabbing and pinching people's cheeks to check if they're "real"

  • Still has eyelights which may appear during times of high focus, but they're an extremely translucent shade of grey

  • Extremely, extremely sadomasochistic, heavy on the -maso. Killing (and being killed) easily slip into horny territory

  • Favorite flowers are forget-me-nots